3330 Cumberland Blvd., 100 City View, Suite 999, Atlanta, GA 30339


Tag archives for Custody Negotiation


Steps to Take Before You File for a Divorce

Categories: Alimony, Child Custody, Child Support, Divorce, General, Marital Property, Parental Rights

Most couples see a divorce coming months or even years before they call a lawyer. The period leading up to the divorce filing is when you should take practical steps that will give you a sure footing and protect you in your new life. Money, children, and “the talk” are the issues that are likely Read More

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Ten Common Mistakes That Hurt Your Child Custody Case

Categories: Child Custody

For couples going through a divorce, perhaps the most emotionally difficult part is agreeing on the custody arrangement for the children. Judges and Courts in Georgia make custody determinations based on the best interests of the child or children, and are frequently aided by guardian ad litems, the court-appointed representatives for the children. In Georgia, Read More

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